Dancing With The Stars Ambassador Blog

By Tierney

This weekend I had to privilege of seeing Dancing with the Stars live. When we arrived at the venue, we got to meet the talented dancers and take pictures with them. 


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      For my shadowing task, I worked with one of the amazing volunteers in the guest services position. I helped guests check their coats and I retrieved items such as Band-Aids and tape. I even helped a lady tape her shoe back together as it had broken during her walk to the theater. After working the position, I meet up with the other ambassadors and we headed to our seats. 




The show was incredible with many different types of dances including ballroom dancing and cotemporary. There were so many different sparkly costumes and the stage lighting was impressive. They brought up on stage an audience member who answered three questions and got to dance with one of the dancers. The audience loved the performance cheering loudly after each number. As a dancer myself it was so fun and exciting seeing so many talented people performing on stage!