Mrs. Doubtfire Ambassador Blog
By Nate
When a Broadway show is sold out eight nights in a row, you know that you’re in for a treat. Last Tuesday night, Mrs. Doubtfire proved to be no exception. As a DPAC Ambassador, I had the privilege of coming to see this amazing show live on opening night!

Before it was time to watch the show, however, we had work to do! After meeting in the President’s Club lounge for a pre-show meeting, I was introduced to Emma (above), DPAC’s Manager of Broadway Marketing, who I shadowed for the evening. It was a busy night for marketing! Two separate receptions were occurring, and with the excitement of a new season recently announced at DPAC, Emma had her hands full. I enjoyed learning about and watching firsthand the details of her job responsibilities, including engaging with guests, advertising, and organizing special marketing events.
After making the rounds with Emma, we made our way to the Press Table, where it was our job to greet members of the press who would be reviewing the show and provide them with tickets. Reporters, editors, and radio hosts were all excited to see Mrs. Doubtfire.
Then, it was finally time to watch the show! Having never seen the movie, I had no idea what to expect from the musical. I was very impressed with the comedic and heartwarming story told by this talented cast. The show was full of energetic, comedic dance numbers interspersed with simple, emotional scenes that evoke sympathy for a family struggling with the fallout of a divorce. I was truly moved this Tuesday, and Mrs. Doubtfire is definitely not a show you want to miss!