Performing Arts Ambassadors FAQ

What’s the difference between the Showstopper and Ambassador programs?

Performing Arts Ambassadors will be invited to attend Broadway, Concert, Comedy and other Special Events at DPAC throughout the school year. They will also receive a behind the scenes look into the industry, and chances to learn from and shadow a wide variety of DPAC staff. Ambassadors will be receiving media training, and their content creation assignments will be featured on DPAC’s website and social media pages.


Performing Arts Showstoppers will be serving as greeters prior to all Broadway events during the school year, and will always be invited to stay to watch the show following their volunteer shift. Unlike the Ambassador program, Showstoppers will specifically be at Broadway events and they will not have any homework assignments or content creation requirements.

Can I apply to both the Showstopper and the Ambassador program?

Students are welcome to apply to both programs. Should any person be accepted into both programs, DPAC recommends that they choose only one to participate in.

Are there any age requirements for Ambassadors?

Ambassadors must be current high school students.

What is scheduling like for Ambassadors?

Aside from the mandatory fall orientation and media training events, there are very few required dates for Ambassadors. Each month, Ambassadors will self-select the schedule for the performances that work with their pre-existing school, family and other commitments. 

I don’t use any social media platforms, can I still be an Ambassador?

The Performing Arts Ambassador program places a strong emphasis on content creation, which will include making social media posts on behalf of DPAC fairly regularly. If a student has no preexisting social pages, but is willing to start using social media for their Ambassadorship, they are still encouraged to apply. If a student is not able or interested in creating social media content at all, we advise that they instead apply for the Performing Arts Showstopper program, where there are no such requirements.