Inclement Weather Alerts

When inclement weather beyond any of our control affects the area, no one wins.

In the face of inclement weather or poor travel conditions caused by inclement weather, you will never hear representatives at DPAC proclaim the clichéd slogan “the show must go on.” As much as anyone, we understand the hardship and concerns that inclement weather can cause. At the same time, you will also see us working hard to present our events as planned and scheduled.

Upcoming DPAC Events:

 All performances will proceed as scheduled.

Information on the status of events at DPAC is updated continuously during inclement weather events.

Inclement Weather FAQ

Do the shows DPAC hosts ever cancel performances due to inclement weather?

Almost never. In fact, just two performances in the over thousands we have hosted has ever been cancelled due to inclement weather. The shows we host control this decision and only cancel or postpone their shows in the following situations:

  • Performers are unable to travel to DPAC.
  • Overriding action taken by government authorities that includes the imposition of a defined curfew or an enforced travel ban in Durham, NC.
  • Interruption of utility services to the building.

Can’t the shows just reschedule the performance(s) that occur during inclement weather?

Unlike local productions that can easily reschedule, the big touring shows we host cannot be rescheduled for years, if ever. On average, a majority of guests attend their ticketed DPAC performances during inclement weather. The shows we host perform as scheduled so that those that can and do attend do not miss the show they have been promised and have been highly anticipating.

Can I exchange my tickets to another performance of the same show?

It depends. For shows with multiple performances, normally the window for exchanges ends 72 hours before the show you are holding tickets for. During inclement weather, we suspend these rules and try to accommodate exchanges for another later date of the same show. You must contact us with this request no later than six hours before show time. The challenge is that not all shows have open seats to move into since so many shows at DPAC sell out. Please note, tickets can only be exchanged for another performance of the same show.  Unfortunately, our contracts with the shows we host do not allow for the exchange of tickets from one event to a different event.

Exchanges can be requested at

Why can’t you just issue a refund or credit if I cannot attend?

For every dollar you pay for a ticket at DPAC, the majority of that dollar is paid directly to the show as part of their contracted fee. If DPAC were to offer refunds or credits without the show approving, DPAC would not be able to meet its financial obligations to the show. Before purchasing tickets for events at DPAC, please know that all sales are final.

What happens if I cannot attend a performance?

Under special circumstances, DPAC does offer those that miss the show the option of attending a future DPAC event as a make-good if weather or travel conditions prevent you from attending your ticketed performance. Special conditions of this make-good ticket offer include:

  • The National Weather Service (NWS) must have issued a blizzard warning, winter storm warning, ice storm warning, hurricane warning, or tropical storm warningthat is in effect at show time for your ticketed performance for the geographical region that encompasses Durham County.
  • Our apologies that we cannot accommodate additional make-good requests for weather or travel conditions outside of those described above.
  • Restrictions will apply on the shows we are able to offer as a make-good, but we’ll do our best to ensure you have at least two choices. Seat locations offered will be best available based on what seats are open for the selected new performance.
  • Please note, this make-good offer applies only to those ticket buyers who purchased directly from DPAC or through Ticketmaster. If you received your tickets through a third party ticket reseller or are not the original purchaser, please contact the source you obtained your tickets from to determine what options they might be offering.
  • You can email us at the week after the show to see if this option exists.

Where can I get the latest information on road conditions in and around Durham?

We have found North Carolina’s Travelers Information website branded as DriveNC to be very helpful.

This North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) website is continually updated and includes traffic maps and access to over 500 traffic cameras where you can view actual conditions and traffic along your route.

Plus, there are summaries of road conditions, traffic congestion, road closures and special alerts during inclement weather.,congestion&pins=incidents_other-incidents         

Using DriveNC – Video Tutorial 

What can we expect from DPAC if there is inclement weather?

When there is inclement weather in our region, DPAC is as disappointed as anyone about the difficulties that the weather or travel conditions can cause. Our commitment to our guests in times of inclement weather is as follows:

  • We will communicate quickly and honestly about the status of all events on our website. During inclement weather, the website is updated on a continual basis.
  • We will also answer inquires via email (and phones) as quickly and forthrightly as possible. Please note that the volume of inquires during inclement weather can be high and communicating with us via is the recommended best way to contact us. We appreciate your patience with any inquires during inclement weather.
  • And if there is any significant change in a scheduled performance we will email affected ticket holders plus issue an alert to area news media.

Can I give my tickets to a friend to use?

Yes!  If you purchased online through Ticketmaster, you can log in to your Ticketmaster account and select “Transfer” to transfer your tickets to a friend.  If you purchased through the Ticket Center at DPAC, please email us at and we’ll be happy to hold your tickets under another name.

The Governor has declared a State of Emergency, does that change anything regarding DPAC presenting an event?

When disasters strike, whether natural or man-made, state/local governments and emergency managers need quick access to resources that allow them to manage a crisis and return things to normal. The declaration of a State of Emergency helps elected leaders achieve this mission.


Though “State of Emergency” may sound ominous, the impact it has on citizens is anything but threatening. A State of Emergency, according to state law, can be declared during a variety of situations resulting from natural or man-made causes.


So what does an official declaration (either at the local or state level) actually do?


A State of Emergency helps:


  • Trigger anti-price gouging laws
  • Seek state or federal funding aid for disaster response if it is warranted
  • Enable government officials to take extra measures to protect the public


A State of Emergency can be declared by a governor, local mayor, governing body of a municipality, county or the General Assembly.


At the state level, other executive orders may be issued along with the state of emergency declaration. For example, local and/or state authorities may waive weight restrictions on trucks, limit the transportation and possession of  dangerous weapons, control the comings and goings from an emergency area or order evacuations. 


Over the years, some misconceptions have surfaced on how a State of Emergency impacts day to day activities, but many are incorrect, leading to confusion when a declaration is made.


A State of Emergency does not mean:


  • Schools, businesses or government offices are required to close.  
  • It also does not mean you cannot drive, unless specifically stated in the declaration.


All in all, when a governor or local body declares a State of Emergency, emergency managers are provided with the legal means they need to deploy resources and immediately respond to a crisis.


DPAC always urges ticket buyers to heed official government warnings for your specific area and to make travel decisions based on road conditions in your location and along the route to DPAC.


Over the past ten years at DPAC, thousands and thousands of guests have safely attended events during a declared State of Emergency. Our promise to you is that if you can attend, we’ll be here and ready to present a great show, and if you cannot attend, we’ll offer you a make good to another DPAC event.

For more information or questions not answered above, please contact